To subjugate and confirm the superiority of the church the Mahabera 'Qudusan'
knows that it is impossible to face united Muslims. As such as it states in the document it has its own strategy to weaken the Muslims based on its own parameters. The basic parameter to judge the Muslims is whether it accepts the superiority of the church, as it was imposed by the Atses, stay away from education-wether it is islamic like Quran or normal academic- and above whether the person challenges the old tradition of superiority and demand equality!
For meheber 'qudusan', nice muslims are those who HATE ISLAM!
Based on this they have old and new Muslims-old and new Islam and though they often use this terminology directly they also try to use the very same terminology used by political institutions to avoid united front of Mulism and manipulate them politically!
They are quite sure that NO a single Muslim would ever agree to those parameters as mentioned above. So, they resorted to terminologies that often used not only by politicians and non-Muslims against Muslims, but by sometimes by intolerant Muslims against other Muslims either due to ignorance or due to their selfish view.
So, here is how the mehebera 'Qudusan' embed its agenda through some common terminologies.Read it carefully , you see how it portrays itself as the 'protector' of one muslim from his another brother!

Yet, it should be stressed that No Muslims would ever agree with the agenda of the meheber! That is simply , because for the meheber is very much concerned of the muslims who learn /teach Quran, build mosques and they want what they call 'old muslim', who hate Islam and see off the Tabot (the cross during epipheny) .

But the QUESTION, is would Muslims Ethiopians ever understand this well designed conspiracy and overcome their mionor diffirences to save their
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